IELTS 6 Listening skill HD

4.4 ( 2774 ratings )
Desarrollador Thuy Nguyen
9.99 USD

+ IELTS Listening Mock Test HD 2013. The latest one on your hand. Are you ready?
+ Made by IELTS experts with world-class standard
+ Express yourself on full parts of the IELTS listening module
+ Feel like real tests, real time score system
+ Correctly convert score to IELTS band
+ Suggestions, tips in details for all type of questions
+ Specially enhanced for iPads, iPad Mini and retina display.
+ then have another ten minutes at the end of the exam to copy your answers onto the answer sheet provided. Parts 1 and 2 concentrate on social needs or “survival English” – the kind of English you need on a regular basis if you are living in an English speaking country, for example asking for information or getting directions. Parts 3 and 4 focus more on the topics of education or training. You will hear a combination of dialogues between 2 or more people and monologues.